Sex Stories That Are Really Embarrassing: 11 People Share Their Funniest True Sex Stories

Looking for a good laugh? We've got 11 sex stories that will have you in stitches. From awkward encounters to hilarious mishaps, these tales are too good to miss. Trust us, you'll want to read every single one of them. Check out all the juicy details here and get ready to laugh your socks off.

Sex is a natural and normal part of life, but sometimes things don't go as planned in the bedroom. Whether it's an unexpected interruption, a funny mishap, or just a moment of pure awkwardness, embarrassing sex stories are something that many of us can relate to. In this article, we've gathered 11 real-life embarrassing sex stories that are sure to make you laugh, cringe, and maybe even feel a little better about your own awkward moments.

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The Walk of Shame

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One woman shared her embarrassing sex story about a one-night stand that didn't quite go as planned. After spending the night with a man she had just met, she woke up to find that her period had started unexpectedly. To make matters worse, she couldn't find her underwear, so she had to do the infamous walk of shame back to her own apartment, all the while trying to hide the evidence of her embarrassing situation.

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The Unexpected Visitor

Another person shared a hilarious story about a romantic evening with their partner that was interrupted by an unexpected visitor - their pet cat. Just as things were heating up, the cat decided to jump onto the bed and start grooming itself, completely killing the mood. Needless to say, the moment was ruined, and the couple had a good laugh about it afterward.

The Slip and Slide

One person shared a story about a particularly slippery encounter with their partner. They had decided to try out some massage oil for the first time, but things quickly took a turn for the worse when they realized just how slippery it was. They ended up slipping and sliding all over the bed, trying to regain their balance and failing miserably. In the end, they had to abandon the massage and spend the rest of the night cleaning up the mess they had made.

The Wrong Name

Embarrassing sex stories can also involve moments of pure awkwardness, like one person's experience of accidentally calling their partner by the wrong name during intimacy. The moment was so awkward that it completely killed the mood, and the couple had to spend the rest of the night trying to laugh it off and move past the embarrassing slip-up.

The Unfortunate Sound

Another person shared a story about an embarrassing noise that completely ruined the moment. Just as things were getting heated, their stomach let out a loud, rumbling noise that sounded like a fart. Despite their efforts to explain that it was just their stomach, the mood was completely killed, and the couple had a good laugh about the awkward moment afterward.

The Wardrobe Malfunction

One person shared a funny story about a wardrobe malfunction that happened at the worst possible moment. They had decided to try out some new lingerie for their partner, but as soon as they attempted to take it off, the clasp broke, leaving them tangled up in the fabric and struggling to free themselves. Needless to say, the moment was completely ruined, but the couple had a good laugh about the mishap afterward.

The Inopportune Phone Call

Embarrassing sex stories can also involve unexpected interruptions, like one person's experience of receiving a phone call from their mother in the middle of intimacy. The awkwardness of trying to explain why they couldn't talk at that moment completely killed the mood, and the couple had a good laugh about the situation afterward.

The Awkward Position

Another person shared a story about an embarrassing moment that happened during a particularly adventurous encounter. They had decided to try out a new position, but things quickly took a turn for the worse when they realized they were completely stuck and unable to move. It took some creative maneuvering and a lot of laughter to finally free themselves and move on from the embarrassing situation.

The Miscommunication

One person shared a story about a miscommunication that led to an embarrassing encounter. They had been trying to initiate intimacy with their partner, but things quickly took a turn for the worse when they realized their partner had misunderstood their intentions and thought they were just trying to cuddle. The awkwardness of the situation completely killed the mood, but the couple had a good laugh about the misunderstanding afterward.

The Forgotten Item

Embarrassing sex stories can also involve moments of forgetfulness, like one person's experience of realizing they had forgotten to remove a particularly embarrassing item of clothing before getting intimate with their partner. The awkwardness of the situation completely killed the mood, but the couple had a good laugh about the mishap afterward.

The Slip of the Tongue

One person shared a story about an embarrassing slip of the tongue that happened at the worst possible moment. They had been trying to talk dirty to their partner, but things quickly took a turn for the worse when they accidentally said something completely inappropriate and embarrassing. The moment was so awkward that it completely killed the mood, but the couple had a good laugh about the mishap afterward.


Embarrassing sex stories are something that many of us can relate to, and they often make for some of the funniest and most memorable moments in our relationships. Whether it's an unexpected interruption, a funny mishap, or just a moment of pure awkwardness, these stories remind us that sex isn't always perfect, but it's always worth laughing about. So the next time you have an embarrassing moment in the bedroom, just remember that you're not alone, and it's all part of the fun and adventure of being in a relationship.